Our little girl is one (well now she is 13 months). Anyway she is walking, running and talking. She has added to doggie with mama, papa, chair, up, down, wawa, boobie, all done, grape-ah, apple, paper, bye-bye, ball, baby, doll, ah-ah (is still music), bottle ( for water) shoes, socks, cracker, ras (raisin), bread, stan, outside, hat, open & (anything with wheels is the noise you make when you vibrate your lips together). I maybe forgetting a few but I will add them as we go along.
Elizabeth is in love with animals especially dogs and will stop at nothing to sit on them , pull their hair and squeal right in their faces :) Stan loves it! Elizabeth also found dolls! This is the reason to have a girl. Oh my gosh! She sits in her rocking chair (from Baba Inna) and rocks her babies, feeds them crackers and covers them with blankets. I melts our hearts every time.
Elizabeth started a music class a few weeks ago and has really started to love it. She is a music fanatic. She will do wipers on the bus, E-I-E-I (no o), and shake her hand up and down for NO More Monkeys Jumping On The Bed! and still loves If you are happy and ou know it. She has some others that we will get on video.
Elizabeth loves eating grapes and any bread-carb like item she can get into her mouth. She recently figured out how to drink from her sippy cup but still much prefers strangers water bottles and cups of any sort. We are only allowed to feed her when the blue moon is full, otherwise she is a spoon and fork loven' fan. About 1/4 of the food actually makes it into her mouth but we support her efforts to try. Foods she enjoys: yogurt, bread, grapes, raisins, milk, blueberries and that about sums up the list.
She wore these shoes to Matt and Clara's wedding in January (before she could walk) and insists on wearing them every day. She will walk up to her sock/shoe drawer says "open" and picks them up, sits on my lap and put them to her feet. It is way too cute, however these are newborn shoes and she is 13 months old. Her little feet are bound up pretty well. She walks a little unsteady and slips a lot when she has them on, but she loves them! I need to make them disappear and soon.
Elizabeth thank you for a year full of surprises and love. You are our sunshine! We are all ready proud of you and can not wait to watch you grow into a young lady. You are sassy, fun and love to laugh! You are for sure our kid! By the way you started throwing temper tantrums this month too!