Sunday, September 13, 2009

June! I forgot to add it first :)

It looks like we all got some much needed sleep. Elizabeth has fined tuned her ability to eat with utensils and is beginning to run!! She has a great sense of humor and still loves to be held. She is going to love the summer.....

Elizabeth loves her crayons although this is one of the few times she is actually drawing with them!
She is still very unsure about the outside pool. There are lots of people, toys, things that splash..ugh ugh!

Typical Day


Not all of July was traveling and fun we also got to spend some much needed time at the park, home and around town doing our normal "stuff."
Eat crackers in the sand....why not!
Pretending I am Tupac
My first music class
Driving around the play ground!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

July goes on.....

Biking trip in Lanesboro.
Anyone who knows Art and I knows that we are huge into the outdoors (just kidding). Our family and a few friends went to Amish country for the caves, food and biking. We missed the caves, got the food and well the biking just did not work out. Monkey bones lasted about 5 minutes per ride. She hated the helmet, hated the bike trailer and cried like crazy. She did like the high chair rides at the pie diner and also liked walking on the very busy bike trail, So at least she was happy some of the time! Better luck next year.

MFA Concert:

Mayo Fellows put on a free outdoor dinner and concert. Pancake would not think about going without dressing for the occasion.

Nana's comes to visit!
Arthur went to Vegas for Dima's stag so my mom came for the weekend to hang out. We had a great time and they really got to know each other better. It was great! Thanks for coming mom we love you.
Well, I am a bad blogger that is all there is to it. So I will play catch up for the summer.

We tried camping in the back yard. Art worked for about an hour or so to get the tent up and the fire started. It was great art and I had a few beers by the fire and Eli loved to watch the flames. When it was time to turn in Art slept peacefully under the stars
while Eli and I slept peacefully under my ceiling fan.

4th of July:

Arthur was moonlighting, however, our awesome neighbors and friends Stacy and Ed and their two adorable girls invited us for dinner and fire works. We had a great time and Lizbird was unmoved by the lights and the boom but loved the chairs and snacks our friends brought!

Baba's rocking chair:

The new chair is wonderful and Elizabeth loves to sit and play with her toys and babies!
Thank you Baba!