Tuesday, October 6, 2009


September was a busy month for Elizabeth. She graduated, yep that is right! Elizabeth no longer needs a high chair, she officially in a booster chair, without the tray...at the table! I think we are a bit more excited than she is but that is our right as parents. We get to have some of the fun :)
Eli has long since mastered the fork and spoon so we thought it was time to bring her closer to us. If dinner was closer to noon it would probably be an enjoyable experience as she ALWAYS turns into a pumpkin when Art gets home. Maybe in time...

Well this was the month (one of many) when I got my mother of the year award. It goes a little something like this.... Eli and I were looking at the beautiful flowers in my parents back yard. I turned to show her the neighbors garden and she was dutifully following behind. All of a sudden I hear a word that I know well "Mommy." I turn and see my little monkey holding a big, white mushroom. My first instinct was to panic, I resisted and continued our garden tour. A few minutes later I panicked again and called the gestapo AKA Poison Control and told them my dilemma. Super long story short we ended up in the ER at Children's hospital with the threat of the police and CPS if we did not show. Blah, blah, blah 4 hours later we were right back where we started at my parents house but this time very tired. All was well as I suspected all along!

We had another fun wedding. We spent the day with Baba Inna, Nana and Papa in Niagara-On-The-Lake. Friends Gareth and Penny tied the knot in Canada. She danced a few hours of the night away until we sent her packing with Nana and Papa for a fun night of crying and trying to escape from the room. needless to say my parents were not happy with us . Nana was convinced
that Eli was holding a grudge the rest of the trip :(

We got to visit with Aunt Nancy and the Gallagher's for a little football action and some very
missed pizza!

Finaly we got to visit with Aunt Alynn and Uncle Johnny:

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